WRITTEN BY: ENBE 04. 10. 2023

Is your creative process doing or finishing?

As i'm writing this down, i'm having a creative block trying to make something for myself out of nothing.

It's not pure nothingness; it's a sense of "looming reward."

Am I looking forward to the reward of being done rather than thinking about the process itself? Or how much time/effort I can put into something made from nothing.

I feel like we all have those moments where we're conditioned into believing that the reward from finishing is more plentiful than the process of something being made.

You tend to forget that you enjoy the thing you're doing/making because you believe "reward" is coming from it. There is a reward...but it's not what you expect.

That "reward" is the feeling you should acknowledge when you're in the midst of the process its self. What did I learn, do differently, find interesting, or see that was new?

Even if you're not enjoying the process itself, you're in the understanding of what you do and don't like in this area.

What you can do differently to make it plentiful for you.

How to apply it in other areas of life.

Then repeat.

That’s all life is about: trial and error. Art imitates life.


Officially written by: Nia Burston


